Love (personalised)
I'm in pain therefore I'm in love.
Love is vulnerability,
love is not being loved back,
love is unsatisfied hunger
for a face turned away to come back,
love is a never happened kiss,
rough seas pacified by a moment
of recognition
in those eyes,
love is a wish to show
what could be but has never been,
love is to become
the one I've always wished to be,
love is not to be in vain,
it is to give,
to become something
that he needs,
love is not to reach any of these,
love is to overcome the pain,
to get rid of a feeling
that makes you what you're
meant to be.
Hagyjon üzenetet a szerzőnek!Csak ehhez a vershez tartozó hozzászólásokHozzáadás a KEDVENC VERSEK listájához.Feltöltés ideje: 2019-03-18 15:15:02
Utolsó módosítás ideje: 2019-03-21 06:08:07