egy kis pszichológia: JustSayNo

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NAPLÓK: egy kis pszichológia
Legutóbbi olvasó: 2025-01-30 15:41 Összes olvasás: 8390

Korábbi hozzászólások:  
12. [tulajdonos]: JustSayNo2018-06-23 20:28
by Elisha Goldstein, Ph.D .; PsychCentral

Why is it so difficult to abolish habits? What if the "Just Say No" bumper sticker really works against us? If you had the will to eliminate bad habits, there would be no addiction to drugs. There is something in our brain when we lose self-control, but no hope is lost.

Nora Volkow, head of the National Anti-Drug Institute, claims that "Just Say No!" The term is actually "magical thinking".

Dopamine is one of the most important chemicals that regulate the brain's brain center. At the most basic level it regulates motivation and sends signals to brain receptors: "It feels good!"

Regardless of whether you are a heroin-dependent person who sees someone you want to associate with, a coffee-smelling coffee maker, a smartphone hanger who is listening to the phone or is hungry, looks at a refiner's grocery store, your brain is rushing with dopamine.

One interesting thing Volkow has decided is that the images themselves can affect the rise of dopamine in our brain. So if we go through a McDonald's and see the arches, our brain is associated with a delicious hamburger (for some) and throws up dopamine. It feels good that dopamine unconsciously drives motivation to stop for Big Mac. Conditioned response. The same script can be used for any bad habit.

What can we do?

It makes sense why many dependency centers integrate awareness into their curricula. The practice of consciousness has shown that it activates the prefrontal call and cools the amygdate. This gives us the opportunity to extend the space between the stimulus and the answer, where choice is a lie, and then discovering opportunities and opportunities that we did not know before. This is crucial for our addictive behavior; the ability to go back, "think about the drink," and recognize the various possibilities ahead.

We can learn to enter this huge break, notice the feeling of urge, and as late as Alan Marlatt, Ph.D. said, "Surf the urge" as it peaks, peaks, and falls like a wave in the ocean.

One of the starting points is just to be curious about the pull you feel to yourself that you feel. A simple (as well as indisputably destructive habits like drugs or alcohol) is our phone.

Now pay attention to what it means to check your phone. Do you see someone else doing it? Are you waiting and feeling uncomfortable about waiting? Is this a certain time of day or place?

Preparing your brain to recognize this cue will help you get a little space to ask, "What do I really want to pay attention to? What does it matter?" As we better recognize the region between the stimulus and the responses and evaluate the decisions that come with values ​​such as cycling become more natural.

Just because we have changed our minds with our compulsive behavior does not mean that we have to become the same habit. With the right skills, community and support you can learn how to break out of a bad system and live a life.

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