nélküled: stairs, droppings, tears force

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NAPLÓK: nélküled
Legutóbbi olvasó: 2024-04-27 01:25 Összes olvasás: 169804

Korábbi hozzászólások:  
38. [tulajdonos]: stairs, droppings, tears force2013-10-10 14:24
In my dream we (me and my husban) were about to go, packing in some kind of celler where we should have spent the night as it was pre-paid, but it was too dark for me to complete my task, too dark cos the cellar opened into the ground and the darkness coming out of it made me blind-but he, Á. was there to help me.
After that I was back in my primary school, which used to be an immense building (built around 1 century earlier) and saw him, my forged lover going down the stairs with his real love arms folded around each other.
After that I was escaping across the sun beaten yard knowing he is bound to leave the building soon and if I'm not quick enough we may meet. I was troddong on burnt pigeon droppings and could reach the other side with difficulty only to realise that there was another exit there so I still might run into him. Then we were standing in a line waiting and I remembered that I would never see him again for real and tears welled up but I restrained them.

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