NAPLÓK: matériális ellenpont
Legutóbbi olvasó: 2024-11-24 06:56 Összes olvasás: 28494Olvasói hozzászólások nélkül16. | kovácske: vonatkozó rész | 2007-10-25 15:32 |
Actually, wormwood and mugwort, though closely related, are not identical. Rather correctly, Russian and Ukrainian Bible translations render the Greek plant name apsinthos not as chernobyl or chornobyl, but as polyn (Russian imya sej zvezde polyn [имя сей звезде полынь], Ukrainian a jmennya sori tij polyn [а ймення зорі тій полин]). Confused by the inherent ambiguity of that word, some Western journalist have tried to make a case that the herb mentioned in the Bible is indeed the same that is called chernobyl, which actually may be true (for a Russian or Ukrainian Bible translation), because polyn and chernobyl have indeed overlapping denotation. This is, however, a good example of a question that cannot reasonably be answered using a translated text; fortunately, the Greek original uses an unambiguous term apsinthos that applies only to wormwood (and maybe other pale-leaved, highly bitter relatives like Pontic wormwood), but never to mugwort. Yet chernobyl means “mugwort”, nothing else |
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